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Thunderbolt Radio

We welcome artist submissions for airplay on Thunderbolt Radio.

We strive to help artists promote their careers by offering them a tool to use for gaining fans, selling product and booking shows. 


Here are the guidelines to submit your songs.


1. They must be original songs written or legally controlled by the artist or writer.

Public domain songs are accepted as well.


2. I highly recommend that your songs be legally protected by copyright insuring the artists rights to their songs.


3. All songs must be sent via email to us. Send to


4. All songs must be in mp3 format


5. Each song will be reviewed by our staff. We are fair in our assessment. We try hard not to force a round peg in a square hole so if your songs do not fit our listener base then it is better for all concerned not to include such songs.

We also owe it to our current artists to keep our library filled with only the best material, so send your best.


6. Production - production - production! Make sure that your recordings are crisp and clear. Inferior productions really stand out and leave a negative feel to your material, no matter how good the writing and performance may be.

So again, send your best. Home spun recordings are very much accepted, just keep a tight quality control policy on your production.


7. We do offer each artist an opportunity to have their own weekly or monthly show to be broadcast. If interested please email for all the details.


We are listener supported. If you would like to donate to help keep Thunderbolt Radio broadcasting please navigate to the top of this page and hit the "Donate" button.  WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT!



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